.... and that is how you describe Spring in the Northwest.
Day #1 - Sunshine - Well, at least we had one day of sunshine for Spring Break. Fortunately that was our first day in Seattle and we were able to take in the view from the top of the Space Needle. We had a great view of downtown Seattle and the Puget Sound.

That night we made Jim happy and went to a Blazer/Sonics game - unfortunately the Blazer's lost but we were decked out in red in support of our home team!
That afternoon we went to see the movie Penelope - a cute movie.
Day #3 - More Rain. Jim had business appointments so the girls' and I went to the Experience Music Project at the Seattle Center. We had fun recording our own CD and version of Give Said the Little Stream in a recording booth (believe me - you do not want to hear our version!) and then
Once Jim was finished with his appointments we headed south to the Great Wolf Lodge - a new family resort/indoor water park that had just opened up.
Day #4 - SNOW! Yes, we woke up to an inch of snow on the ground.
We had a fun time playing in the water park and yes, even Leigh Anne got her hair wet!

We then headed home and on Friday we woke up to snow in Portland - it didn't stick but it sure came down for a while.
We had planned to go to the beach for the weekend but with 6-8 inches of snow in the pass we needed to go through and 2 inches on the ground at Manzanita we decided to just stay at home.
During the next two days we had hail and sleet!
Gotta love the Northwest!
We did enjoy a relaxing weekend at home, we went to see the movie Vantage Point together and then Saturday night went out to dinner as a family with our friends the Watt's.
Boy Update:
Clark went with his ward down to Moab for a campout where they did a little hiking. He sounded pretty tired on the phone today so I'm not sure how much sleep they got.
Logan enjoyed some fun dates this week/weekend (all with the same person who shall remain nameless at this point) and also did a session in the Salt Lake Temple on Saturday.
We've been in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for almost a week now and yes, we've experienced ALL of the weather you have mentioned...probably twice!
Right now we are staying right on the Rogue River in Grants Pass...it's cold out but the weather was sunny and beautiful on the coast today. We're heading home tomorrow and have heard it rained pretty hard today in southern calif. The weather has been crazy everywhere.
Sounds like your Spring Break was a success though!
Hope you enjoyed your week in the Northwest. We had a beautiful, sunny day here in Portland today. It is days like today that remind why I live in the Northwest!
Thaks for sharing Linda.
I just made a goal myself to plan ahead with our dinners. Normally, 4:30 rolls around and I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to cook for dinner. I'm on the hunt for kid friendly foods that my children will eat and Mike and I can also enjoy. That's the challenge.
How was the Great Wolf Lodge? We are going for our Spring Break this next week. The kids are very excited. Thanks for inspiring me to get a menu plan together.
Would love to know if you find any great new recipes - please share!
We had a great time at the Great Wolf Lodge. They had just opened the week before so it was a bit crazy and they were having a little trouble dealing with everything, we couldn't get into our room until almost 7:30 p.m. but they comped us dinner and gave us our room at half price which was nice! The water park is geared a little bit more towards younger kids so it should be perfect for your kids. There are two "bigger" kid water slides which were great fun - I even went down them. Have fun!
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