
Sunday, February 5, 2012

First 5K

This summer Cali got us all to do the Couch to 5K program and we made it all the way through and actually ran our own "unofficial 5K" here in the neighborhood.  My running stopped after that.

Then this fall a group of gals from church decided to form a running group and train to run a marathon.  I decided to join in although my goal is a 1/2 marathon not a full.  They run at night and after about a week of that I decided I much prefer to run in the morning so I am following along the program but I run in the morning. 

Two mornings a week my friend Marsha runs with me and the other day I run by myself.  We decided as a group to enter our first official 5K race.  It was a Rival BYU/U of P race on the day of the BYU Men's Basketball game at U of P.  The BYU Management Society was sponsoring it.

 Marsha Jensen, me, My-Lynn Teague, Nicole Read, Laurel Winkel  (Mary Anne Heap also raced with us)

Didn't realize they would be announcing my age too!!

It was a beautiful sunny, clear day but it was pretty chilly and windy up at the top of Mt. Tabor.  About 15-20 MPH winds that day.  We had a beautiful view of the city from the top of Mt. Tabor.

The race was 1/2 up and 1/2 down with very little, if no level ground.  Let's just say it was a challenge - especially with the wind.  I have run farther than a 3K before but with all the uphill it was tough going.  But we did it!!

I was the last of our group to finish and the advantage of that is everyone is there to cheer for you!!  Larry and Jim were there too to cheer us on!!
We even got medals!

Like I said - I wasn't fast but I finished!!

For a post race treat the four of us headed over to the Waffle Window for Lunch!!

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