
Friday, October 7, 2011

Welcome Baby Oliver!

On Tuesday I took the kids up to meet their new baby brother - Oliver.  Addy and Owen were in love at first sight!

It was a little unnerving taking photos for a professional photographer but I was pretty pleased with the way they turned out.  I don't know how to do the photoshop magic that Meg does so these are straight out of the camera but I love the expressions of the kids that I was able to catch!

And I made a special banner to welcome baby Oliver home.  I snuck it into their house before they got home from the hospital so it was there to welcome them!


  1. These are great! You captured a moment. You can see the emotion in their faces.

  2. Oh my gosh... your kids are GORGEOUS!!!!!!! And I can't believe how much beautiful hair Oliver already has! How precious!!!! I love all these photos! I don't know, but I think the last one if my favorite! The way Addy is looking at Oliver, and the way Owen is kissing Addy! AHHHHHHH I can't stand the cuteness!! You are very blessed indeed! :)

  3. LA-

    You are better at blogging my life than I am! Thanks so much for all you've done for our family. Love you.
