
Monday, March 14, 2011

Hairspray Fans

Tessa has had so many friends and family come and support her at the show.

I haven't gotten pictures of everyone but here are a few more.

Tessa's two biggest fans - her older brothers.  It was fun to watch the expression on Clark's face when he saw Tessa kissing on the stage for the first time!  Logan was sitting farther up in the theater with some friends and I think I could hear him too!!

We loved having Emily and the girls here!  Richard and Tamara drove down from Moses Lake for the show too but somehow I didn't get a picture of them with Tessa!  We are so lucky to have such a supportive family!
Our neighbors the Quillins came to the show and friends the Monaghans.
 Tessa's voice teacher, Jay, was there to give her a great big hug!

What a lucky girl to have both sets of grandparents there on the same night!

Logan and Clark's first grade teacher, Anne Vingelen and her husband John were there to support Tessa too!
Cali flew in the second weekend of the show!

And so many of our neighbors came, including Hannah and her mom and sister, of course!

Several of Tessa's teachers were at the show, including Ms. Baldwin, her Fashion Marketing teacher and DECA support.
Miss Calista (named after our Calista) along with her mother and grandmother were there to cheer her on!
She had fans small....

and a little more grown up.
There were lots more and I didn't get pictures of everyone.  But a BIG thank you to all of our friends and family members who took the time and many who traveled far to come and support Tessa!  It means the world to us.

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