So when I got an email from my mother this morning with the subject line - Concerned, I got a little worried thinking something was really wrong. Well, she was "concerned" because I hadn't updated the blog in a while.
No worries, mom, we are fine it's just that this whole Technology Fast I've been doing on Sunday's has cut into my family blogging time!
So basically this is what I've been up to in the last two weeks - scrapping and sewing.
On Saturday I helped host Celebrate Portland. It is event we do every year and have done for the last ten years. We hold it at the Expo Center and we have about 1,200 scrapbookers. It is a very fun day but it is long and tiring!
In addition to hosting the event which means I get to get up every hour, make announcements, giveaway prizes and lead the congo line I had 20 of my own customers there that I took care of. I did manage to squeeze in a little personal scrapbooking time too. I'm working on Tessa's high school album, need to get it done before graduation!
I have spent a lot of time the last two weeks in the sewing/craft room. I have 3 dresses to make for Tessa for Hairspray and I have 2 done and half way through the third. There has been a lot of pink fabric and thread floating around our house.
Hope to finish the third one in the next day or two. Tickets are selling fast for the performances so if you are local and want to come let me know.
We are so excited that Logan, Clark, Lizzy and Cali will all be flying home for the performance. We are also super excited that Emily and girls, Tamara and Richard and Grandma and Grandpa Wilkes will also be coming into town for one of the weekends!! Party!
Because of all the sewing things are a bit of a mess around here and my sewing/craft room is trashed!
Hopefully I'll get it cleaned up before everyone comes home!!
Tessa had a busy and stressful week. It was finals but she survived and did great. She is also super busy with rehearsals for Hairspray and preparing to compete at Regionals next week. She has a couple more essays to finish up for scholarship applications too. Oh, the life of a senior!
Jim has taken advantage of the few breaks in the weather we have had and has been doing his yearly pruning of the roses. In addition he has been helping out at the work parties at the high school on the weekends. He also spent some time at the Dry Pack this week and replenished our supply of flour and sugar.
Back to the sewing machine....
I'm happy someone who sews like me. I clean up thoroughly between projects, but not during. Lots of things land on the floor. I too have pink, as well as red and coral floating around.