
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rain,rain go away!

After a week or so of amazing Indian summer weather the rains have arrived.  It rained all weekend. 

Since we had been having such amazing weather Jim thought maybe he should paint our garage doors.  They had faded badly over the years and looked terrible.  He got them painted and  they looked great.  The only problem was they made the rest of the house look bad.  So he bought some more paint, borrowed the neighbors power washer again and started to work on the top part of the house.  He got one small part done and the rains came.  So we are praying for some sun this next week so he can finish the front of the house.  His plan is to paint one side of the house each year!  So in four years we'll have an almost freshly painted house.  At least one side will be freshly painted!

It was a fun and busy week.

On Monday I went with some cute friends to see Bakerella at Washington Square.

 Bakerella is the inventor of the cake pop which has taken the blogging world by storm.  She has a new cookbook out and was doing a book signing. 

Monday night for family night we went to see a preview showing of Secretariat.  I had been invited because of my blog.  We loved the movie and highly recommend it.  Jim was excited to see it because the screenplay was written by Mike Rich who is from Portland and still lives here.  He has also written the screenplay for Radio and Finding Forrester as well as a few others.  We love his work. 

When we got to the theater I ran into one of our neighbors who had great seats.  When I asked him how he got such great seats he said he was here with his friend Mike Rich - so we got to meet Mike Rich!  Very fun!  It was a great movie and I can't wait to see it again.  Go see it!

Wednesday was Stake RS Temple Day and then I stopped by my friend Cathy's house to help her with some bridal shower planning.  That night I was called into the Stake President's office and released from my calling as Stake RS 2nd counselor.  I've really enjoyed the calling for the last 2 1/2 years and loved getting to know so many amazing women in our stake.  The scary part is now - what is the ward going to do with me!?!?  I'm hoping the Primary is fully staffed!

Friday was a no school day so after Tessa did some SAT studying we went out for lunch and did a little shoe shopping!  That night we went to the high school football game because we were the parents in charge of the choir fundraiser - they sell Krispy Kreme doughnuts at the games.  Tessa was one of the sellers.  It is a great way for the kids to raise some of the money they need.

Tessa is doing some major fund raising as she is going on the DECA trip to NY in December and wants to go with the choir and drama department to Ashland next spring so she is highly motivated to earn/raise money!!  Fortunately it did not rain during the game.  We left at half time after the doughnuts were all sold.  Tessa came home with us too so she could get to bed early.

Saturday morning was the SAT test for Tessa and the LSAT for Clark so it was a big day at our house.  Both kids felt good about the tests - now we just wait for the scores!  The Utah kids went to the BYU game and cheered them onto victory for their Homecoming game!

After we got Tessa off to the SAT Jim and I headed over to NE Portland to try out a new breakfast place - the Tin Shed.

Jim and I both ordered the Fetch - it was a nice crispy hash brown pancake on the bottom with eggs, bacon, cheese, green onion and tomato on top - so good!  We both ate the whole thing.

From there we headed home to get some things done around the house and of course Jim did a little sports watching.
That night I joined two blog readers who were in town to run the Portland Marathon for dinner.  They wanted to carbo load so we went out for Italian.  It was fun to meet them and we had a wonderful time talking and eating.  It was like we had known each other for years!!

 Beth brought me a cute pumpkin full of all kinds of candy corn treats - so fun!!

Before the rains arrived this week we had the most amazing spider web in our front yard.  It stretched across the whole front of the house.  I have no idea how the spider did it.  It looked amazing when the light hit it.  It totally freaked Tessa out though (she is terrified of spiders) and she wouldn't go in and out the front door while it was there.  I couldn't bare to knock it down so Tessa just used the garage door!

 So anybody still with me?  Did anyone read to the end? Say hi!!


  1. The Tin Shed is yummy for dinner too. I love Bakella's site, you are lucky to get to meet her. I'll be looking for Cake Pops the next time I come to your house.( hint, hint.)

  2. Yep, I read the whole thing and I'm still laughing about Jim saying he'll paint one side of the house each year! Too funny!

    You're having rain and we here in CA still have the heat. My husband uses the pool each day, still!

  3. Dawn, We definitely want to try Tin Shed for dinner. Checked out their menu and looked yummy. There maybe cake pops in my future!

    Linda, I thought I was ready for fall but after two days of rain I'm not sure! I have my cute ribbon Halloween banner hanging up though and thought of yOu!

  4. I can't believe you thought it and then said it on your blog that you hoped Primary was fully staffed! Wow, that is the most special calling in all the world to teach the little children. I've done for years and hope to do it for many more years.

  5. Jody,
    I have served in Primary for many years and even twice as a Primary President. I loved being in Primary when my children were younger but I have found that now that they are older that the Young Women's program is where my heart is! I guess you could say I just like my children a little bit older!

  6. I never appreciated a spider web til I read this post..haha! Love how you see beauty in everything :)
