Yes, I know it is really Strawberry Fields Forever but we didn't go strawberry picking today we went blueberry picking.
Jim and Tessa had to work (Tessa had a nannying job the last couple of days) and Cali had the day off so she and I went out berry picking.
We started with blueberries. They were yummy and plentiful!!
It was a bright sunny day and it was going to be hot so we went first thing in the morning.
First thing in the morning being 9 a.m.
I love the colors of the blueberries ripe and not so ripe!
We picked 6 pounds of berries. We still have some left from last year in the freezer so I mainly wanted some to bake with and eat this week.
We picked at a small blueberry farm that is owned by Joan, one of my yoga instructors. It is self service. You weigh you own berries and leave the money in the drawer.
Loved this old wheelbarrow full of flowers outside the shed.
After picking blueberries we headed over to West Union Gardens where we picked some raspberries.
They were delicious! I think I ate as many as I put in the box!
The picking wasn't as plentiful as the blueberries but they were worth looking for!
As we were heading over to the marionberries we passed the rows of Loganberries. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the sign for our Logan. I tried to talk Jim into naming him Logan Barrie but he just wouldn't go for it!
The marionberries had been picked over and needed some more ripening so we only got enough to make a pie. Marionberries are not nearly as much fun to pick and I have the scratches on my legs and hands to prove it!
We went home and I made a blueberry crumb cake - so good and have plans for some blueberry muffins and a triple berry pie tomorrow!
Thank you Dad! I'm very glad and received a lot less ridicule in middle school because you wouldn't let mom name me Logan Barrie.