
Friday, November 13, 2009

Your Homebased Parties

Those of you who read Your Homebased Mom have already seen the announcement but I am excited to let you know that I have a new blog!  I'm sure your first thought is - another one?  Yes, another one!

This blog was a natural extension of Your Homebased Mom and something I love to do - put on parties.

If you haven't visited the new blog yet, please do.

Your Homebased Parties is a result of inspiration - Clark and I are still debating over who had the inspiration first!

So please go on over and check it out and subscribe via email so you can get updates.  I'd love for you to share it with your friends too.  Also, if you have any great party ideas and/or photos to share I'd love to feature you on the blog (Michelle - how about that Harry Potter party you did??)


  1. Wish we could have joined you. Richard spent all day yesterday under the house repairing things and getting out debris and I spent all day packing and working in the garage. The beach would ahve been WAY more fun. Thanks for the book suggestions. Thanks for doing the temple work. The cards came on Friday. Hope this is an awesome week for you. We sign papers on Friday and need to be totally out by Monday of next week. I have my work cut out for me.
