
Sunday, October 25, 2009

May I Have Your Autograph Please?

One of my favorite things about the Fall Children's Show at Westview is watching the children after the show as they get the opportunity to meet the performers.  The performers always come out in costume for a Meet & Greet.

This year one of the Marketing classes made and sold cute lilttle autograph books.  The books had pictures of all the main characters and a place for autographs.  The kids could go around and get autographs from all the different performers.

I love watching them!

Tessa was a little worried since she played such a mean character that none of the kids would like her or come up to her.  Even though she got booed at the two elementary school performances ( we assured her that was a good thing) she got lots of applause at the regular performances and asked for her autograph!

Our friends Dyann and Calista Jellesed came to see her Friday night (Calista is named after our Calista!)

Even more of Tessa's adoring fans were there!

Her number one fans - her parents!!

And her grandparents!

Lots of her friends and our neighbors came out to support her too - wish I had gotten photos of all of them!

You were amazing Tessa!


  1. yay!!! Calista is sooo big now. You're looking real good Hannah. JK. I love you. Glad they didn't throw totmatoes at you tess

  2. Tessa is so beautiful. I love her hair pulled back from her face, although it makes her look older than she is!
