
Thursday, May 14, 2009

VIdeo Cam Fun

Thanks to gmail video we have been able to see and talk to Logan while he has been in Scandanvia. With the time difference , which is 9 hours he is usually in a theater getting ready for a show about the same time I am working in my office about 9-10 a.m. Fortunately alot of the theaters have wireless.
It has been fun to see his face and hear his voice!

The other day Cali got a hold of my camera while we were all in my very messy office chatting with Logan. Please excuse the mess in the background. I had to move all my scrapbooking stuff out of the boys room when Clark came home and it is now all piled in my office.

Tessa loves the camera!


  1. These are the best the kinds of pictures! Thanks for being willing to share. How lucky that you still get to see him while so far away!

  2. I love the non posed pictures. Thank goodness for the modern technology. Spent from Wednesday til Monday in Moses Lake. Actually surprised Richard for his BD on the 13th and pulled off the surprise. . . . .Smiles!
