
Friday, March 6, 2009

College Girl Update

I realized I hadn't shared these fun pictures of Cali's weekend with Hannah. The week before Cali came home Hannah flew to Utah to spend the weekend with Cali. I knew they would have too much fun. The adventures began with Cali's first experience pumping gas!

It looks like they had lots of fun just hanging out and what would a visit to the BYU campus be without eating JDawgs!

Lucky Hannah was there for the Ward Skit Night too. She got to help the girl's get ready and make their tablecloth dresses!

The girls did the SNL skit of the Lennon Sisters from the Lawrence Welk Show.l If you want to see the girl's actual performance you can check it out on Cali's Facebook page. It is a little hard to understand but I've included the link the actualy SNL skit below. Cali plays the funny one - no surprise! They also won the prize for the funniest skit!

Here's a link if you want to see the actual skit they did on SNL

Gotta miss those college days!!


  1. I've seen this before and laughed sooo hard...just too funny!

    I bet Cali was awesome. Did anyone get her on tape?

  2. To be able to see this skit on her facebook is the first real temptation I have had to get a facebook account. But, first I will try to get Wynn to be her friend first! I laughed to tears when we saw it on SNL.
