
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back Home Again

The Jim Wilkes family is back underneath one roof again -at least 5 out of 6 of us.

Sorry there was no update last week but Jim, Tessa and I were all out of town. Jim spent 5 days in Mobile, Alabama for some work meetings (that is where Daily Access headquarters is).

Leigh Anne was in hot - why does anyone live there?- Phoenix for 4 days. I spent three days working and staying inside as much as possible. It was fun to spend a few hours with Tamara and go out to dinner with her. I spent the rest of the time working and eating and then eating some more. Enjoyed some good Mexican food and fortunately all the restaurants are air conditioned!

Tessa was in Salt Lake/Provo enjoying her birthday present. Tickets to the John Mayer concert. Logan picked her up and she stayed with him at Wynn and Emily's where she was spoiled rotten! She loved spending time with Jacqui, Addie and Ward - wishing she had a younger sibling.

She was treated to a pedicure and a scalp massage (thank you Emily), went shopping, out to eat, to the movies and of course to the main event - the concert. Thanks to Logan and Becca too for taking such good care of her.

She enjoyed her shopping expedition with Eryn, Cecelia and Becca and came home with some unbelievably high red high heels - that make her as tall as Jim!! Thanks to Grandma Wilkes for providing the birthday money that paid for them!

Cali and Clark held down the fort while we were gone, both spending most of their time working. We are all still trying to adjust to Clark's 4 a.m. work schedule and his getting up at 3:00 a.m. I am way too light of a sleeper and I hear just about every movement he makes!

This week was party week - I didn't have to cook Thursday, Friday or Saturday as we had two wedding receptions and a missionary farewell where we were fed -no one was having a party today so I cooked.

Jim and I had gone to the Farmer's Market on Saturday so had lots of fresh produce to cook with - corn, artichoke, onions, peppers, marionberries, squash, etc. I'll have some fun new recipes to post on the other blog this week with all of our farmer's market produce.

Cali and I had a mother/daughter date with our neighbor Debbie and her daughter Hannah. We went to see Mama Mia (Tessa had seen it in Utah). It was sappy and silly but I loved it!!! I have seen the Broadway production twice and loved it then too. I tried to stand up and dance in the theater but the girls wouldn't let me so I ended up just singing along to the songs.

Clark attended a dance for a Regional Young Adults Conference Saturday night and then went to the Sunday meetings today. The last Young Adult activity he went too was rated as "A waste of hair gel". I don't think these were much better!

Logan stayed busy in Provo working. He started a new internship this week - he is working the BYU Performing Arts Department and doing all the PR work for the different performing groups - mainly the Young Ambassadors. He is working on planning their ten day tour right now. This should be a fun internship for him as he would eventually like to work with PR in the Entertainment industry. Becca was in New York with her family this weekend so he was lonely.


  1. Leigh Anne,
    Thanks so much for the cute outfit for Carter and fun stuffed animals for Nikki!! Miss you guys!

  2. mother I am disappointed. It's Tuesday and the blog has not been updated. Something needs to happen. You have time to update your work blog but not your family blog?
