
Sunday, February 17, 2008

I am a sewing MACHINE!

O.K. - not literally a machine but my sewing machine and I did some major "bonding" this week - here is what my week looked like -
Monday - Sew
Tuesday - Sew
Wednesday - Sew
Thursday - Sew
Friday - Sew
Saturday - Sew some more!

It's costume time and they were due on Saturday! So I have spent the entire last week sewing two ballgowns for Cali to wear in the high school musical "Into the Woods''. She is one of Cinderella's Step Sisters.

Here are some pictures of Cali trying on the gowns for a fitting - they aren't finished yet and the green one looks a bit frumpy but it really isn't and looks a lot better in person. So they aren't the greatest pics but you can get an idea why I have been a sewing MACHINE!! The green gown was made out of 15 yards of fabric - there are 3 layers to each piece.

The skirt of the red dress is made out of velvet and is two layers and I think it weighs about 10 pounds! I still have some hemming to do and finishing touches but we are almost there!

I did take a break from the sewing machine long enough to celebrate Valentine's Day. We starated the day with heart shaped pancakes and then heart shape sugar cookies for a treat. Cali celebrated by going to a movie and out to dinner with her "friend' and Tessa celebrated at the dance studio

Jim and I enjoyed our annual "Beach Babes and their Boys" valentine dinner at my friend Julie's house. Julie's house is this fun 112 year old house over in the Hawthorne area of Portland. Julie goes all out - and I mean all out. Her Valentine decorations rival most people's Christmas decorations - every corner and surface is decorated with red hearts and all other kinds of Valentine decor - it is amazing. Here is a picture of Jim and I in front of her mantel which is only one of many decorated surfaces. - it was surrounded by a dozen Valentine balloons. Dinner was delicious and the company was even better.

One thing I learned this week is how to embarass your teenage daughter in one easy step - now this would not embarass all teenagers but when you have a teenage daughter who is a "Makeup Maven" this will do the up at her school with only half your makeup on.

This week I made numerous trips to the high school and the costume shop as I worked on the costumes. Tessa met me there one afternoon to get a ride home - she walked in, looked at me and declared to the entire room "Mom - you only have half your makeup on!!"

You see I have this little routine in the morning. I put all of my make up on except my eye liner and mascara before I blow dry my hair. I do this because sometimes when I blow dry my hair my eyes water and it makes my eyeliner and mascara run. Well I guess I got distracted that morning and never got around to putting the rest on - I had my eye shadow on , just not the rest.

No one else had noticed up to this point (including myself) or at least no one had said anything but after Tessa announced it to all the mom's in the costume shop one of them did say "I thought maybe you just had a cold."

Boy Update:
Both boys had fun Valentine Celebrations this week.
The boys made a trip to Costco together the night before to buy their roses. Logan delivered his to Shayla that morning when Shayla fixed him breakfast - his favorite - french toast from Great Harvest Cinnamon Chip bread. They then enjoyed lunch together at the Chef's Table (now their favorite restaurant in Provo) since Shayla had rehearsal that night. Logan and Shayla are enjoying the holiday weekend visiting Shayla's family in St. George.

Clark delivered his roses in the morning too and was treated to homemade cinnamon rolls made by Brooke. Clark and Brooke went out to dinner that night and then to an art gallery opening.
Friday was Brooke's birthday so they celebrated again with dinner out and then a surprise party hosted by Brooke's roommates.

In addition to the roses the boys also bought their girls a gift - I was impressed by the planning and thought they put into their gift selection - such good boys!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leigh Anne. Thank you for your great comment on my blog. I too enjoy finding other moms out there who are closer to our ages. You are right about so many young bloggers and I wish I would have had this forum when I was first raising young children.

    So... as for the wedding girl... my wonderful second daughter, Rachel announced her engagement tonight. I am not ready for this.

    YIKES... what happens if they all have babies at the same time? Oh dear, I will then be really "spent"!

    I want to add you to the blog roll on my site, if you don't mind? Let me know. Thanks.
