
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dreaming of a White Christmas....

Monday morning we finally made it downtown to our annual family visit to Santa. I was getting worried it wasn't going to happen. But because of Tessa's dance performances over the weekend it was the first chance we were all home and available to go. Macy's has taken over Meier & Frank so Santaland has been delegated to the basement. There is no more monorail - only a monorail museum. It was a sad day when all the kids outgrew the monorail (when they could no longer walk throught he snowman) so they had fun sitting in the monorail car at the museum - old times!

A miracle happened - we actually had snow on Christmas. Statistically - Portland has a 1% chance of having snow on Christmas Day and this year was that 1%! At our house the snow didn't actually stay on the ground but we did have snow in the air! It has been over 30 years since Portland had measureable snow on Christmas Day.

We enjoyed a nice Christmas Day - Santa paid a visit to the kids' with a new guitar hero! Clark has become quite the expert, spending hours playing it and is half way through the difficult level - everyone has to stand in line behind him to get to play! Santa was also good to me - check out my other blog at to see what he brought me!

Wednesday we just hung out at home and we all went to see National Treasure - a fun, action movie - almost as good as the first one. On Thursday we decided to drive to the beach house for the night. The pass to the coast was covered in snow and so were the roads. We pulled over once and considered putting on the chains but then decided to forge ahead and did fine - it was a little slow going but we made it fine. It was stormy and rainy at the beach but we enjoyed watching movies - a Bourne Ultimatum marathon, playing games and eating fish and chips at Mo's in Cannon Beach.

We came home Friday in time for the boys to go to the Blazer Game - they have won 12 in a row so the boys are excited - the glory days are back!

Saturday we spent the day cleaning - it is amazing how much stuff a teenager can stuff into their closet. Shayla is coming to visit on Monday and will be staying in Cali's room so we had to dig it out! That evening we attended a wedding reception of one of my Beach Babe's friends daughters and then took a drive down Peacock Lane near our old house.

My week has been filled with trips to the grocery store and cooking - I plan to take the entire week after the boys go back to school off from cooking!! (Jim will be out of town too)

I have already started cooking for our New Year's Party! We are excited to have Shayla here for the week and Logan is busy planning lots of fun activities. Happy New Year!

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